Photo of Marta Costas Argentina

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MARTA curricular synthesis COSTS (A bit of history in honor of his grandfather and father), Martha Costas Costas JosFrancisco granddaughter gift, a Spaniard who came to this region in the year l874 with only 14 to years old and was staying at the Benjamin rincn Zubiaurre field, then when it takes some time, it became owner of the farm known Tuyuti General Juan Madariaga (first owner) where their children are born (14)...

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Photo of Marta Costas Argentina

MARTA curricular synthesis COSTS (A bit of history in honor of his grandfather and father), Martha Costas Costas JosFrancisco granddaughter gift, a Spaniard who came to this region in the year l874 with only 14 to years old and was staying at the Benjamin rincn Zubiaurre field, then when it takes some time, it became owner of the farm known Tuyuti General Juan Madariaga (first owner) where their children are born (14) including the papd Don JosDionisio Costas da Marta was born October 9, 1907 in the town of Divisadero, from the same party, Province of Buenos Aires. JosDionisio forms on the farm, play games and then Since childhood rural tasks that make their destination as rural workers. Is educated as the children of the poor by going on horseback at the age of 9 years to school San Martn of our city, and its favorite pastime with his brothers ride along the beaches and mountains of these sites. MARTA SU Daughter born and lives in MADARIAGA JUAN PROV. BUENOS AIRES, IS FORMED AT THE SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Divisadero he visited for 8 YEARS, ITS ACTIVITY IN PLASTIC IS OIL PAINTING, METAL, WOOD, CERAMIC. MONASTIC SPIRITS ALSO MAKES HERBAL MEDICINES AND HONEY TO LEARN IN YOUR COURSE OF RURAL SCHOOL TEACHER OF SISTERS OF MARY HELP SALESIAN. Attended courses and seminars where they learn new skills, was the creator of AMERICAN LATINO TUYU MEETINGS AND WORKSHOP DIRECTOR OF MASKS AND SIZES NARCISO ARCE. FOR THREE YEARS WAS THE DEPUTY REGIONAL CONGRESS OF CHILE AND ARGENTINA BINATIONAL. DESEMPEA IS CURRENTLY AS DIRECTOR OF THE ART GALLERY IS FRESNOS OF THE OWNER. THE ART OF PAINTING His work shows a thorough investigation of American painters. The fundamental idea is to structure a geometrizacin travs on the spot. Includes the line and curve on a proportional rhythm and sound, the technique of a plane is s basic Preparing containing products besides marble dust streams in small amount. His work is figurative and in some moments to have a high degree of abstraction. In this moment is preparing a series of paintings and monotypes that have to do with nature and unknown places we can not see but feel. Exposure to Argentina in General Madariaga many times in Pinamar, Villa Gesell and CarilProv. of Buenos Aires in high season, which has sold sb box. In the city of La Plata in the National Women's Salon in the city of Mar Del Plata in Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies in the Province of Salta During the 3 Congress Chilean Binational Argentine folklore which is delegated regional. In the Province of Mendoza on the Feast of the harvest. In Santiago de Chile for two consecutive years with the motive of Congress Bi Chilean-Argentine national. He is currently exhibiting permanent art gallery Los Fresnos, where he has his studio and paint sales. Marta Costas during his career he has received awards and commendations. Trabajy works for his home town, home to his family.

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